Well once again I took a time off from blogging. Though of course now that school's on it's lasts bit there will be much more time of the free type. I have missed it so. But currently all I have on my mind is finishing finals and going to the BEACH!!! Beach beach beach. Sand, sun, and shore. lalalala, a good time is to be had.
Sooo, what has happened...I ran for student government. Fail. Well not really since Kevin Seivert ran and I basically accepted defeat at the beginning. Plus it is work and work is a bothersome concept. Birr announced Sings. Fail. Cry forever. Pain oh so sad. But now I okay. Just my heart will be forever stained by the blood from being stabbed by a dagger plunged into my heart as Birr sang prayer of the children. Indeed.
Other than that same ol' same ol'. School, blah. Thank goodness for summer because I think my eyes would decay from looking at all those teachers day after day as they sucked my very soul from my body with lessons of the utmost unimportance. Also I am basically falling asleep in every class. But two finals down, five to go. Birr has mercifully skipped the ridiculous absurdity he calls a written final.
I just want to add here that my mother has developed a horrible disease that which I fear there is no cure. She has to say aloud every possible thought that comes to her mind and believes I am actually interested.
Now, what was I saying? Finals? Well, that's a depressing subject. Speaking of depressing, graduation of the seniors. I currently spend most of my time with three seniors - Phil, Phill, and George. I listed them based on how close they are distant wise to me, but if you want to know friendship wise flipped the list around. Oh, how will I ever live with out George. Cry forever. Phill at least calls me all the time and we have quince. And Phil, well I haven't gotten him to leave me alone yet, so I expect him to hang about a while. But still, very sad as always. And today we did the whole slide show, move to new sections thing. I am now an offical (if your definition of offical is guided by where you but you ass) senior. That means I'll be the one leaving this time next year. Thank goodness, with a touch of sadness. But meh, let's procrastinate on that feeling for a while.
So..Quince? Yay quince! I am so happy to be in it! I just hope my work schedule won't be too hinder-some. I can't wait to start dancing, even though I am not in the advance dance group. But ah well, maybe if I do well and stand out this year, I can get more dancey next year. Oh how hopeful it all begins. But all in all, it will be a lot of fun. Because I get to be with most of you again! Yay! And also Meghan, Sarah, and Gabby. We established ourselves as lovers today. We also plan to take over the world by converting people into vegheads and planting a giant veghedge of our vegchildren longer than the wall of China. This is the beginning of a very unique friendship.
I love theatre, it brings out the crazy in people.