Monday, January 19, 2009

Finals are Finally Fin!

Here upon my second year of high school, my first semester finals are finally fin and over with! Rejoice and be glad! I am so relieved to have them good and done! And I believe I did them very well! Well Honors Geometry might not have been the best, but I pray I did better then I thought. At this point, I am getting straight As! And I do not appreciate the Schadenfreude of "straight A students getting B's" right now. I have worked really hard to get those As. I want to keep them! I don't think I got a grade on any of my finals to change them though.
I am so happy I don't have to deal with the stress of them anymore! Maybe now I will finally have some worry-free, stress-free free time! I actually have two sticky notes on my wall entitled "Things To Do After Finals". That is just not right. But to be fair finals did go on forever because we got the weekend with it. I had big plans for last weekend and was so robbed. But now that the final doors are closed, I can forget about plans! No more! Freedom!
Well not entirely. I have to get back to my novel. I'm at 60800 now! I am doing well, just have to throw myself into it. It is getting good! I'm up in 100s in pages now. So cool! I think this one is going to go somewhere. And with my helpful friends pushing me to reaching the end by February, I should get there. Hopefully.
And second semester will start tomorrow. I am a bit nervous for my new schedule. It basically flipped over from last semester. Now I start of with my easy classes and end with hard. I personally prefer what I have now. But I will adjust and adapt. And only two of my classes changed and I have no new teachers. That is pretty good. And so begins a new 8-3, 5 day life for me!


Alyssa Kristine said...

i saw your sticky notes when we borrowed the lap top the other day! best of luck with the novel, perhaps i will work on mine now to reach that fabled land of 60K!

Catey said...

ah yes, finals are finally done. and i must say, i may actually have done alright this semeseter (with the obvious exception of physics which i'm seriously expecting a D in...but let's hope i end up plesently surprised with that one.) i hate my second semester schedual though.

Dani said...

sigh, i absolutely hate my second semester schedule! i always wanted to end senior year with easy classes! why oh why did i take physics?! oh yes, because when i signed up for it, seizert was still teaching it, not this incompetent fraud of a teacher we have now! anger!