Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eons Passed

So as those listening may have known, I have not blogged in "eons". And I have also changed the name and email address. So I'm not sure if anyone knows my blog anymore. But oh well, not to many did in the first place.

So much has transpired. Summer brought many new things. I got a car! R2PO after R2D2 and C3PO. Oooh, numbers look cool on here. Anyway he finally got his license plates. And I was in the summer show, sang Aquarius and Windy as solos. That was fun. You know, actually singing once in a while. And I started tap and jazz! Which was a really good warm up to the fall dance classes. And I did a bit of theater camp at the CCC. That was tons of fun, met new people, played improb games, sung, and danced. All good fun. Oh! And I started working at Maretti's Deli! I have to say that it's a great place to work. Lee's an awesome boss and always gives me off on days I need. Plus a lot of people from my school go to Maretti's and we have the best subs in town. I get pretty good tips in waitressing! And I'm learning about wine and pasta. Very Italian, yes? Also I became a vegetarian. Basically randomly, I just felt like it. And it's very healthy and I didn't eat meat that much. I only miss bacon...

Yeah, that was summer. Unfortunately it has gone and went too soon! I'm back in school. It's the usually so far. My favorite classes are surprisingly Justice, because Brother Gary just talks the whole time, and Intro to Sociology, just the subject, hate the actual teacher and class. I mean Mr. Berkhout is...well just not assertive. And the class is not the more involved bunch. But Sociology is a really cool subject. The text book is written with an actual human voice and is pretty interesting to read.

So let's seen, what's on my mind? Oh hey, the Lady One explanation. Well you see, I'm accepting the philosophy that one must understand the world, their society, and most of all one's self to actually understand a bit of what actually goes on in life. All it takes in one person with one thought and one single goal - to understand. So...I'm not saying this well at all right now. It all plays into thoughts. One must have thoughts to live, they are what make up everything that exists. Without your thoughts, you would not see or hear or intake anything. It just takes one thought to change perspective. Apply that to one person and you have trillions of thoughts passing each day. One never grasp the capability one can posses. It just takes one. And here I am, one. I adopted the title Lady simply because it is a forgotten title. It seems elegant in history, but has now been used in the most informal situations to any woman on the street. Anyway, I like it. You don't have to, one can have one's opinion. It will most likely change over time, as all things do.

So back to reality - I started tap, jazz, and hip hop on Monday! It was so much fun! The girls there are so funny and outgoing, I'm a bit timid to start with. But I will start talking more later on. I even remember the dances! And I can tap now! It's a miracle! Manty Dance is and relaxed. I like it, I think it's fun. We do music from "now", which is my only problem. Some of the "now" music is not represented. Like what I listen to. We just dance to mainstream pop and hip hop. But what you going to do? But the best thing is - we are doing Pretty Fly For a White Guy for tap! We have one guy in it and he is pretty nerdy and awkward and he is playing the while guy! It's hilarious! I love it! Jazz and hip hop are cool too, I'm learning a lot of new moves that should help me later. I also started waitressing alone at Maretti's! I made $22 in tips on a slow night! That's what I like to see! And I didn't mess up at all in the dinning room! I'm so excited! Oh, I am also trying out for the fall play Our Town. It looks like and interesting play. Set in the 1900's in a small town and people get married and in the third act are dead and in a cemetery just hanging out. I want to be the little sister, Rebbecca. She seems like the normal young Innocent girl, but then gets a bit of stage time to talk about the bigger picture of life and how it exceeds us all...and I'm little! I totally fit the part!

Yes, that's life. Hope it all goes well.


Catey said...

oy, i'm tired and still should blog about the first day of classes...

anyway, there's way too much going on in this blog...too much to comment on at one time.

yay! to the car! i want to take dance! umm...good luck trying out for the play?


Alyssa Kristine said...

yay car! yay job! I REALLY wanted to take dance, but sadly now there is no time for such things, what with piano, voice lessons, college, work, and attempting to find friends that dont live millions (ok not millions, but ya) of miles away, sigh there is not time. Best luck with school! sorry about the play! :(