Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random Update!

Hola de la clase de espanol! me llama Esperanza!
Yep I'm back to blogging during school hours. Sad for teachers, good fror me! Oh and for all of you who read my blog! (aka mi hermana)!
So let's see....what's been going on lately....
Hello Emmy!!!
Anymways, oh yeah! Last week I was a sixth grade retreat leader! That might have been a bad idea. Sixth grade guys are so imature! Every guy in my group would not listen to me and kept calling me shorty!!! And they were only a bit taller then me, some were shorter!
What is up wiht these hightest people? So what if you're short or tall? What difference does it make? Does it effect my personality at all? No! ....or does it? I sorta think I fit into the cute style I have becuse I'm short... whatever. I shall ever be the five foot wonder.
Other then that npt much is really going on in my life. The Music Man practices are getting so slow. Our first show is like next week or something!!! But I'm hardly ever on stage! I'm not even in the Shapooie (sp?)!!! What is the point of the music man without the Shapoopie? I mean really, it makes the show! So that has me pretty cheesed off (ha! so funny) , but whatcha going so?
Nothing else much is going down in my life, this had been pretty pointless if you haven't noticed already.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Things To Remember For The Next Choir Tour

  1. First off - no matter where you go on the trip, you will have fun. Even if it's some boring place like Virgina!
  2. Make a check list & make sure to actually check it!
  3. Buses are horrible. It will be loud, it will be crapped. Prepare for the worst.
  4. All you need on the buses are a couple of good books, ipod, journal, snacks, pain killers, and water. All the excess notebooks/sketchbook will take up more room and are not needed.
  5. Sit away from the guys - they are SO loud!!!
  6. Bring a small, comfortable pillow.
  7. Even if you are going somewhere warm, it may still be cold on the ride down. So bring a blanket and a warmer jacket.
  8. Bring money with you everywhere and buy souvenirs!
  9. Buy a snow globe! Otherwise you won't find one later!
  10. Be open to new people, they may become your best friends on the trip (even if you never speak again after).
  11. Come with a good attitude.
  12. Bring plastic bags - you will need more than you think
  13. Never be afraid of new experiences.
  14. Bring comfortable clothes and sweat pants!!!.
  15. Don't be afraid to talk to people.
  16. Take as many pictures as you please.
  17. Be sure to choose a responsible chaperon - or at least one that you like!
  18. Finally, SMILE - it will make you feel good and look pretty in surprise pictures.