Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey everybody in bloggers land!
So Jesus Christ Superstar was a success! I hardly ever messed up - except once in the "Touch, Touch Me Jesus" song my knee gave out when I was spinning and I almost fell over...I bet it looked quite strange. And the last day I felt sick and I actually did fall in the leper song. But we are supposed to look sick and weak and dying, so I think I fit the role!
But now that the play is over, I feel like my life is empty! Though it hasn't been a whole day yet! But I'll probably not be too busy anymore...But I am doing national writers month come November 1st. That should entertain me for a bit...I should really figure out which idea I'm going to write down. I have way to many and none of them are really finished. I'll try to work all that in this week.
Hello Tiffy! Thanks for the grammer advice!

1 comment:

Catey said...

woah, when did you write this? well i can see when you wrote it. but i had no idea. JCS...yeah i miss that. i don't know. it's nice to not be busy