Friday, April 1, 2011

Pindaric Ode - Ode to the Stuffy

This ode is written in accentual-syllabic verse and is named for the ancient Greek poet Pindar, who is credited with inventing the ode. The stanza length and rhyme scheme are determined by the poet. They contain a formal opening, or strophe, of complex metrical structure, followed by an antistrophe, which mirrors the opening, and an epode, the final closing section of a different length and composed with a different metrical structure.

“Ode to the Stuffy”

Dance with me and forget the world
Come onstage, pretend awhile
Let reality fade, unfurl
Your mind and begin to smile

This is a new revolution
Moder Renaissance beginning
Of hope and joy, disillusion
Join all the people grinning

Let loose
Let go
Give life a boost
And now you know

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